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Happy Birthday Best Friend Wishes

"There plenty of birthday wishes for your best friend to chose from. So whether you are looking for something sentimental, funny, weird, casual, or something in between; It got you covered. "

"It can be hard to find exactly the words to say to your best friend on their birthday. So instead of just saying happy birthday best friend, use my list of happy birthday wishes to help you brainstorm."

"My birthday wish for you: I hope you never stop enjoying the small things in life. Because that’s what makes life worth living. I hope you take time to enjoy the present while working for a better future. I hope your year is full of memories, happiness, and adventure."

"The more you live, the younger you become. Maybe that’s why you look so good for your age. "

"I hope your birthday is as sweet as the cake. And the year to follow is filled with as much joy as you bring your friends. "

"Your older than you’ve been. But look on the bright side, you’re younger now than you all ever be."

"May your birthday be amazingly awesome and your hangover be mercifully minor."

"So, as you know, I am not exactly rolling in money. So, your gift isn’t the best. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think you are the best. You are! I just can’t afford the birthday gift you deserve."

"Sometimes it is a mystery why we choose certain people to be our friends. But with you it’s obvious. You are an amazing person. And I hope you have an amazing birthday."

"Happy birthday to my best friend in the world. And since I’m not tight with any aliens or astronauts, I guess your my best friend in the whole universe."

"You all get lots of happy birthday wishes today. But who wishes you the happiest of happy birthday wishes? Me. That’s who."

"Best friends are there in very good times and bad. Through the sun and the storms. Best friends like you make the bad times tolerable and the good time even better."

"You have been such a wonderful friend. I couldn’t ask for a better friend than you! Happy birthday, I hope your birthday is as amazing as you are."

"When it comes to friends, like Al Capone said, it is better to have four quarters than a hundred pennies. Happy birthday to my favorite quarter."

"We are different in a lot of ways, but that is what makes us such good friends. Puzzle pieces need to be different to fit together! Happy birthday to my favorite corner piece".

"When I am with you I have more fun than when Iam with anyone else."

Written by : Birthday Meme - Describe about you

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